Capability Enhancement Capabilities

1. Soft Skill Development

This enables the student to develop strategies to improve communication, listening skills. The workshops on stress management, time management, Leadership management team management prepare the students to handle the situation in crisis in personal and professional life. These soft skills play a vital role in personal and professional efficiency development. The workshops are planned to train the students to play various roles in society as a team leader, guide, and a good communicator. 

2.  Communication Skill Development

Communication Skills: This skill enables the students to understand the types, importance of communication skills. Communication that takes place across various contexts, e.g. verbal, nonverbal, interpersonal, family, professional, intercultural The Programs also makes them aware of the various barriers of communication and the adverse effects of miscommunication.

3. Yoga and wellness

Yoga being a powerful tool for physical fitness and stress reliever, the students are encouraged to practice it. Various sessions  are conducted for students through the Yoga unit. Every year International Yoga Day is celebrated with the active participation of students to create awareness about the importance of Yoga.

4. Analytical skill development

This skill deals with the development of a scientific approach towards the research. Various workshops like research methodology, data analysis are conducted to build a strong foundation of research at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. Basic concepts clarifications with hands-on training help the students to understand the various analytical methods easily.

5. Human Value development

In the medical profession, attitude and ethical approach play a very important role. Gender equality awareness program, Organ donation awareness and workshops, As per the New CBME syllabus, Attitude Ethics and Communication module (AETCOM) is also introduced in the curriculum.  Students learn these values through various activities arranged during these programs such as Essay competition, poster competition, Case scenario analysis, debate, and skits.

6. Personality and Professional development

This skill development program helps the student to learn different aspects of the medical profession where perfection is expected. 

7. Employability skill development

This skill development aims at making the students as ‘Experts’ to handle emergency and complicated medical situations. Repeated sessions are conducted for Basic Life Support. In addition programs on  basic practical skills Data analysis, and as per various post-graduate courses are conducted.